PhD Macro 7110 Possible paper topics and tips for writing , sample paper Results from problem sets, exams, paper, etc. Slides Slides on some standard growth models Galor-Weil model (5750 slides) Empirical papers on democracy, plots and tables
Illustration for PSTricks problem Slides for two-sector model, Matlab code Nippe’s GW simulation: paper, Matlab code
Links: LaTex related: WinEdt, David R. Wilkins’ LaTex pages, Michele Tertilt’s LaTex page, Timothy van Zandt’s guide to PSTricks Data related: Louis Putterman, Polity IV, World Development Indicators, The Galor-Özak Caloric Suitability Index, Angus Maddison’s posthumous website, the Maddison project Stata related: User’s guide, Introduction to Stata graphics, Stata learning modules WebFAS — to access software at York. Job market related: Job Openings for Economists, NBER’s links to websites with job-market candidates from various economics departments world wide |